Real name of artwork: Brug (Bridge)
91. 68 Bridge (1993)
Real name of artwork: Brug aan zee (Bridge at sea)
92. 51 Bridge at sea (1993)
Real name of artwork: De Zee (The Sea)
93. 55 The Sea (1993)
Real name of artwork: Brug en snelweg (Bridge and highway)
94. 83 Bridge and highway (1993)
Real name of artwork: Abstractie (Abstraction)
95. 21 Abstraction (1993)
Real name of artwork: None available (-)
96. 25 Beauty and pride (1993)
Real name of artwork: Versteend landchap (Petrified landscape)
97. 213 Petrified landscape (1993)
Real name of artwork: Gele compositie (Yellow composition)
98. 237 Yellow composition (1993)
Real name of artwork: Brug (landschap) (Bridge (landscape))
99. 227 Bridge (Landscape) (1994)
Real name of artwork: Aurora Borealis (Aurora Borealis)
100. 26 Aurora Borealis (1994)