Real name of artwork: Grijze structuur op blauw (Grey structure on blue)
231. 176 Grey structure on blue (2007)
Real name of artwork: None available (-)
232. 184 Prehistory (2007)
Real name of artwork: Laatste zelf portret (Last self portrait)
233. 2 Last self portrait (2007)
Real name of artwork: Aura (Aura)
234. 244 Aura (2007)
Real name of artwork: Het begin (The beginning)
235. 218 The beginning (without year)
Real name of artwork: verstekeling (Stowaway)
236. 219 Stowaway (without year)
Real name of artwork: Volle maan (Full moon)
237. 220 Full moon (without year)
Real name of artwork: Clown (Clown)
238. 224 Clown (without year)
Real name of artwork: Moeder met zuigeling (Mother with infant)
239. 199 Mother with infant (1963)
Real name of artwork: Pose (Pose)
240. 198 Pose (1966)